Sunday, March 22, 2009

SWEDEN ESC 2009 - Malena Ernman - La voix (1.Semi Final)

Swedish mezzo Malena Ernman was born on November 4, 1970 in Uppsala. She is educated at the Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm, the Music Conservatory in Orleans, France and at the school of the Royal Swedish Opera. Ernman is a versatile artist in her field, who outside the world of opera and operettas also has performed chansons, cabaret, jazz, appeared in musicals and she is a performer who's declared that she's very much attracted to the attributes of varite theatre and small, intimate stage rooms. Malena Ernman is today one of Sweden's most sought after opera performers nationally and internationally. She has sung Cherubino in Le nozze di Figaro (Staatsoper Berlin/Daniel Barenboim), Rosina in Il barbiere di Siviglia (Staatsoper Berlin, Royal Opera Stockholm, Finnish National Opera), the title role in Carmen (Royal Opera Stockholm), Kaja in Sven-David Sandstrom's Staden (Royal Opera Stockholm), and Zerlina in Don Giovanni (Staatsoper Berlin/Barenboim). She has worked with Rene Jacobs as Nerone in Agrippina and Roberto in Scarlatti's Griselda in Berlin, Brussels, Innsbruck, and Paris. She has appeared at the Glyndebourne Festival singing Nancy in Albert Herring (Summer 2002) and Orlovsky in Die Fledermaus (Summer 2003). The 2002/2003 season included Diana in Cavalli's La Calisto at Wiener Festwochen with Rene Jacobs. In the 2003/2004 season Malena Ernman sang Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni at La Monnaie in Brussels and Lichas in Hercules with Les Arts Florissants and William Christie at the Aix-en-Provence Festival (which has been revived at Opera National de Paris and at Wiener Festwochen). During the spring and summer of 2005, she created the title role in Boesmans' Julie at la Monnaie, at Wiener Festwochen, and in Aix-en-Provence. The spring of 2006 included Nerone in L'incoronazione di Poppea in Berlin and Brussels followed by the role of Dido in Dido and Aeneas in Vienna and Nerone in Agrippina at Oper Frankfurt. Further engagements included Annio in La clemenza di Tito in Salzburg, Sesto in Giulio Cesare with Rene Jacobs in Vienna, Cherubino in Le nozze di Figaro with Daniel Harding in Aix-en-Provence and Angelina in La Cenerentola in Stockholm. In 2009, Malena will be starring in Cinderella at the Royal Swedish Opera and in Frankfurt she will do the title role of Dido in Dido and Aeneas (Paris Wien Amsterdam William Christie).On the concert platform Ernman's appearances have included Schumann's Das Paradies und die Peri in Graz and Zurich with Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Mozart's Waisenhausmesse (Salzburg Festival with Frans Bruggen), Berio's Folksongs (Stockholm Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Carlo Rizzi), Fabian Muller's Nachtgesange (Zurich Tonhalle Orchestra/Zinman - world premiere), and Mozart's Requiem in Minneapolis (Arnold Ostman). At the 1999 Nobel Prize Award Ceremony Malena performed as a soloist. During the 2001/02 season Malena Ernman could be heard in recital in Tokyo, singing Bach's St. John Passion in Notre Dame de Paris (Ensemble Orchestral de Paris/John Nelson), and performing Mozart's Requiem (Berlin Philharmonic Orches-tra/Barenboim). The 2002/03 season included Mozart's C-minor Mass with Orchestre des Champs-Elysees and Philippe Herreweghe on tour in Europe, a Vivaldi concert in Lille with Concerto Italiano and Rinaldo Alessandrini, and S-D Sand-strom's High Mass with the Gewandhaus Orchestra and Herbert Blomstedt. During the 2004/05 season she made her Wigmore Hall debut and appeared singing Elgar's Sea Pictures in Trondheim and Berio's Folksongs with the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra. In August 2005 she sang the Folksongs at the Verbier Festival.

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Can you keep a secret,

can you keep a secret

I’m in love with you

Can you make a promise,

can you make a promise

Stay forever true,

Then I’m forever yours

Je t’aime, amour, quand j’entends la voix

Je t’aime, ma vie c’est jamais sans toi

Je vis ma vie pour toi,

c’est l’universe pour moi

Je t’aime, amour, quand j’entends la voix

Tell me what your feeling,

tell me what your feeling

I just wanna know

Tell me what your dreaming,

tell me what your dreaming

Let your feelings show,

Stay and don’t let go.

Je t’aime, amour, quand j’entends la voix

Je t’aime, ma vie c’est jamais sans toi

Je vis ma vie pour toi,

c’est l’universe pour moi

Je t’aime, amour, quand je…

La voix

Je vis ma vie pour toi,

c’est l’universe pour moi

Je t’aime, amour, quand j’entends la voix

J’entends la voixLa voix

Can you keep a secret,

can you keep a secret

I’m in love with you

Can you make a promise,

can you make a promise

Stay forever true,

Then I’m forever yours

I love you,


when I hear the voice

I love you,

my life is never without you

I live my life for you,

it is the universe for me

I love you, love,

when I hear the voice

Tell me what your feeling,

tell me what your feeling

I just wanna know

Tell me what your dreaming, tell me what your dreaming

Let your feelings show,

Stay and don’t let go.

I love you,love, when I hear the voice

I love you,

my life is never without you

I live my life for you,

it is the universe for me

I love you, love, when I…

The voice

I live my life for you,

it is the universe for me

I love you, love, when I hear the voice

I hear the voice

The voice

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